FALL '24 Registration Closing Soon!

FALL '24 Registration Closing Soon!

The Ogburn Online School

Many families or students themselves realize the necessity of virtual classes late, and thus they enroll at a much later stage as compared to many of their contemporaries. There can be a multiple reasons of starting late:
  • Skepticism: Sometimes families are skeptical about letting their children join online courses due to concerns such as whether the education will be worth the time and money invested, whether the quality of education will be on a par with that of a traditional school, whether it allows children to socialize enough and many more myth-related queries.
  • Financial crisis: Online education is extremely affordable. Still some lower middle class families might struggle with day-to-day expenditures. As a result, they are forced to educate their children at a much later stage, once the crisis cools off.
  • Realization of need or purpose: While applying for jobs, most prospecting employees realize the need of an online degree course. It plays a pivotal role in getting a job, maintaining a secure job, and in getting higher incentives or promotions. Such employees start with online courses simultaneously with their jobs.
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Tips for becoming successful in virtual school
  • Prepare your mindsetWhen lagging behind, you need to adopt an accelerated curriculum or schedule. So, you need to pre-condition your mind that you might have to sacrifice little ideas of fun in order to maintain your speedy coursework. Your primary objective has to be remaining ahead of your schedule at any cost. You can take little breaks to revitalize your brain for grasping new things, but there will be no room for leisure or lethargy.
  • Taking advantage of the online tools and resources for your benefitMake sure you have a pretty high speed of internet connection and an updated system with all necessary programs and settings such as an updated antivirus program etc. Make sure you have the contact details of the help desk support team of your institute so that you can get your access to all the possible tools and resources in an easy manner. Hands-on practice is crucial to knowing the functionality of each online tool. The flow won’t come on the first day but with practice, you will get more comfortable with your online environment. Along with educational tools, you will have several virtual resources such as online libraries, audio books, video lectures, discussion forums, live interaction platforms and many more. You cannot remain passive and ignorant about this vast range of tools and resources at your disposal. Consistent researching and experimentation can help you with a deep-rooted knowledge regarding the technical elements that can make your work smarter and faster.
  • Interactions with the instructorsYou need to be vocal about your queries and doubts the moment they emerge in your mind. Since your coursework is time-bound, you have to take an extra care in getting your queries resolved as soon as possible. Full-time available online instructors are your best resources to guide you through the challenging curriculum. But for them to help you, you need to develop a rapport with them and also be clear about your weaknesses in front of them. There is no face-to-face interaction, so you need to initiate conversations through online platforms such as one-to-one live interactions, emails or phones. Even parents can take part by directly consulting with the teachers and discussing the strengths and weaknesses of their children.
  • Have patience to cover up firstWait till you catch up with your core subject coursework before mindlessly applying for lucrative electives. Deal with the necessity first, and then look for ways of enhancement. You can take part in new activities with the intention of making up for your major coursework first. Keep your priorities straight!
  • Develop organizational skillsThe most important skill required in an individual, when starting an online course late, is to maintain things in an organized manner. Maintain a proper space or room for online studying, with cartons or files for books and notes. Maintain a calendar to remind yourself of the deadlines for assignments etc. Being meticulous and planning beforehand can help you in getting an early success.
  • Socialize with other peers or families belonging to the online communityThough non-technical and a bit abstract, but it plays a major role psychologically in keeping your self-confidence and motivation alive. Some online schools organize real time events such as summer courses or field trips to facilitate the process of connecting-up amongst the families and students that is much required for the moral support. Experienced online school kids can supply useful tips to the relatively new kids who are struggling with their online courses. Online activities incorporated by most of the virtual schools also encourage the child to engage socially and exchange ideas. Some to the activities are collaborative assignment works, discussion forums, quiz and debates, group discussions and many more.
  • Reach out to your near and dear ones in times of crisisSometimes, such a challenging work environment can get the better of you. At times when you feel low or incapable, openly discuss your worries with your family. Involvement of your family can always give a much-required personal touch to your curriculum and it might work as magic. You can even reach out to your online instructors or trustworthy online peers to share your concerns that are weighing you down constantly. They might come up with practical or even philosophical ideologies that might work wonders for you.
  • Be self-motivatedSelf-motivation is the most important attribute to keep you going through the highs and lows of a rigorous online course. It helps you maintain your consistency and focus, no matter what. You can enhance your self-motivation skill by reading inspirational magazines or stories, listening to soothing music to stimulate the mind or even watching some short motivational videos to keep the fire alive in you.

It is never too late to follow your dreams and strive towards excellence. All you need is a right frame of mind with the right proportion of enthusiasm.